As a lobby group implements the Christian thinking of We cautiously walk a path that rediscovered Jesus and the Apostles practises, and cherry picks biblically uncontroversial conservative matters, with minimal baggage - that hasn't advanced Christian thinking enough to produce revival. :-
- Peace loving while upholding biblical laws.
- Royal law : loving God & neighbours generalizes on and upholds all the 10 & Jesus' teachings.
- To love neighbours requires a social action gospel, providing for all.
- The best way to provide is through Coopism economics, sharing in the profits, whilst upholding an important work ethic, and adjusting to (reinforcement & extinction) progress, while empowering entrepreneurs - apparently gifted by God, and raising up disciples in society.
[Discussion Document]
Coopism, sharing in the profits, may be a candidate way of resolving tax avoidance, for debt ridden society, without needing a global digital ID, (only, or the heavy burden of substantial social welfare and *intensive rationing* of "sustainable development" (ie UN & World Economic Forum Agenda 2021/2025/2030), when done for large numbers. Some social welfare may topup family's incomes, when Coopism isn't enough in it's early stages. Once the spectre of "sustainable development" pet theory is excessively applied (like an alleged panacea) - to include everyone's income, so they can't buy or sell without it, the genie won't be able to be put back in the bottle when (as foretold) Satan's man steps in to take over leadership. Coopism, sharing the profits, doesn't need intensive rationing, so doesn't need a global digital ID (just a citizen's phone company privately listed details - detailed in nor opens the door for "mark of the beast". An App might be used to manage phone company details.
Popular businesses will be heavily subscribed, so earnings commensurate with their popularity will be quite low for citizens accounts; a smaller slice of that profits pie. Not-so-popular businesses will be less subscribed by citizens, so sharing in their profits will earn a larger slice of that pie, (though the total weekly profit/pie will likely be lower). Like horse racing, favourites, (in each nation), will be over subscribed, while others less so.
Inland Revenue Service/s will list profits of each business, and the number of phone company (2 factor ID) subscribers, with the weekly profit amounts being paid out. An IRS bot might Text phone company/s to pass on a tip/s for low income citizens (using phone company privately listed contact details and each citizen's privately listed weekly income, (uploaded by and for an authorized bank account)) about an opportunity to subscribe to get a better weekly income portfolio. Or more likely IRS will list opportunities on a website, and on a dedicated blog. Citizens with large weekly income will be required to relinquish high paying businesses from the citizen's portfolio, until they are receiving the norm profit share *for their society.*
Third world undeveloped nation citizens might receive a slice of the pie (from each nation's IRS) for all businesses in each nation, as a form of international social welfare; until they are receiving the norm *for their society.*
Citizens only need (decentralized) phone company privately listed contact details and weekly income (uploaded by their authorized bank, for an account), not a global ID.
[End of preliminary
Coopism Discussion Document - waiting for anonymous e/mail responses, to achieve more rigor]
Doing things the Kiwi way, as nonchalantly as is reasonable, is safest for emotionally charged topics. We pace ourselves when sensitively broaching spiritual matters, speaking the truth in love - that wean us all over. Before i became a practising believer, though a cultural christian - in name only, i was largely untouched by the range of topics that have since become the norm. There but for the grace of God go us too, if we were born into any of the variety of unbelief, and special praying patience is a required virtue. It's more about what (praying providence of) the "biblically consistent" (discussed at Holy Spirit wants than human willpower. We all have unique life experiences, and only that studious Holy Spirit relationship is able to bring the best out of each of us. Jesus said He only did what He saw the Father doing, ie the work of His Father or providence (John 5:19
the Son can do nothing of Himself, but what He sees the Father do; for whatever He does, the Son also does in like manner). As a student of these topics, i'm gradually learning an increasingly more lowly approach, like Jesus exemplified.
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